Reply To: Introduce Yourself!

  • BreakThru

    December 9, 2020 at 2:16 pm
    5851 Stars

    Yusra! Sorry I’m catching up on replying to people’s intro posts!

    Pediatrics is an awesome field. I think if I wasn’t so certain about psych, I might be applying peds this cycle. I gotta say, as a pediatric resident your immune system must get so strong lol. Even if you don’t go straight peds, there are so many fellowships! Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric PM&R, Child and Adolescent Psych, just to name a few. And of course delivering babies during OBGYN is an incredible experience too. Ahh, so many options!

    Anyway, let us know if we help at all or if you want to pick our brains about specialties or MCAT prep as you move frmo sophomore to junior years 🙂