Medical Terminology Basics: 305 Useful Terms to Know!
Learner Series:
An Introduction: Medical Terminology Basics
Table of Contents
It's all Greek (or Latin) to Me!
You ever go to the doctors’ office and suddenly find the physician speaking a some language that sounds somewhat familiar – but not quite intelligible? Perhaps you love watching medical dramas and there’s always a point each episode where the physicians are talking about hematocrit this or hemostasis that. It can be very intimidating and exciting to hear the language of medicine.
Well this introduction to medical terminology basics will hopefully give you some more confidence insight into what’s being said! We are going to break down some of the most common terms encountered in medicine on this lecture!
History of Medical Terminology
Most medical terminology comes from Greek and Latin, however some words come from different and more modern languages.Â
Greek Terms: These words tend to describe clinical terminology. It’s easy to build terms in Greek. Gastritis is a great example. Gastro- for stomach and -itis for swelling/inflammation.Â
Latin Terms:Â Anatomy is described pretty much exclusively in Latin.Â
For the purposes of this lecture we won’t go into what words are Greek vs Latin and just keep it simple
Beginnings, Middles, and Ends!
A medical term is composed of a few parts that fit together like Legos. These are our Prefixes, Roots, Suffixes. Or another way to put it beginnings, middles, and ends! Medical terminology basics starts with these three components.Â
The Root: Right in the middle, this part tells you what you’re talking about. It’s the most important part of the word.Â
The Prefix: Before the root. This part helps you orient yourself. You get the reasons, circumstances, and conditions of word here.
The Suffix: AKA The End. This tends to be the most confusing part of the word for many people. It tends to convey information about procedures, conditions, states of being, or diseases.
It’s important to know the difference between terms in each part, because if you tell a patient they may need a treatment for a colostomy and you mean to say colitis…. they will not be happy if they look it up!
100 Medical Root Words
Root Word | Meaning | Example | Literal Not Real Meaning | |
1 | Acr--/o | Extremities | Acromegaly | Enlarged Extremities |
2 | Amb-/i | Both Sides | Ambidextrous | Both Hands |
3 | Adren-/o | Adrenal | Adrenalectomy | Adrenal Removal |
4 | Anter--/o | Front | Anterior | |
5 | Aud/i-/o | Hear | Audiogram | Hear Record |
6 | Aut--/o | Self | Autophagy | Self Eating |
7 | Axill--/o | Armpit | Axillary Nodes | |
8 | Arth-/o | Joint | Arthrocentesis | Joint Aspiration |
9 | Bio- | Life | Biology | Study of Life |
10 | Brachi-/o | Arm | Brachioplexus | Arm Braid |
11 | Bucc-/o | Cheek | Buccal gland | |
12 | Caput-/o | Head | Caput succedaneum | Head Substitute |
13 | Cardi-/o | Heart | Pericardium | Around Heart |
14 | Carcin-/o | Cancer | Carcinogen | |
15 | Carp-/o | Wrist | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | |
16 | Cervic-/o | Neck | Cervical Stenosis | Neck Narrowing |
17 | Cheil-/o | Lip | Cheilosis | |
18 | Chil-/o | Lip | ||
19 | Chir-/o | Lip | ||
20 | Chol-/e-/o | Gall | ||
21 | Cholecyst-/o | Gallbladder | Cholecytecomy | Gallbladder Removal |
22 | Choledoch-/o | Common Bile Duct | Choledocolithiasis | Common Bile Duct Stone |
23 | Cili-/o | Eyelash | Ciliary | |
24 | Cor-/o | Pupil | Cornea | |
25 | Cost-/o | Rib | Costophrenic Angle | |
26 | Crani-/o | Skull | Craniotomy | |
27 | Cubit-/o | Elbow | Cubital Tunnel | |
28 | Cyt-/o | Cell | Cytokine | Cell Movement |
29 | Dactyl-/o | Fingers | Dactylitis | Finger Inflammation |
30 | Derm-/a-/o | Skin | Dermatitis | Skin Inflammation |
31 | Dermat/a-/o | Skin | ||
32 | Duoden/o | Duodenum | Duodenal Ulcer | |
33 | Ech-/o | Sound | Echocardiogram | Sound Heart Picture |
34 | Estr-/o | Female | Estrogen | Female Producing |
35 | Faci-/o | Face | Facial Nerve | |
36 | Gastr/i-/o | Stomach | Gastritis | Stomach Inflammation |
37 | Gingiv-/o | Gums | Gingivitis | Gum Inflammation |
38 | Glauc-/o | Gray | Glaucoma | Gray Swelling |
39 | Gloss-/o | Tongue | Glossopharyngeal Nerve | |
40 | Gluc-/o | Sugar | Glucose | Sugar Full |
41 | Gnath-/o | Jaws | Micrognathia | Small Jaws |
42 | Hepat-/o | Liver | Hepatitis | Liver Inflammation |
43 | Hist-/o | Tissues | Histology | Study of Tissues |
44 | Inguin-/o | Groin | Inguinal Canal | |
45 | Intestin-/o | Intestines | ||
46 | Irid-/o | Iris | ||
47 | Labi-/o | Lips | ||
48 | Lapar-/o | Abdomen | Laparotomy | Abdomen Opening |
49 | Later-/o | Side | Dorsolateral | Back and Side |
50 | Lingu-/o | Tongue | Lingual Nerve | |
51 | Lip-/o | Fats | Lipoma | Fat Mass |
52 | Lymph-/o | Lymph | Lymphoma | Lymph Mass |
53 | Mamm-/a-/o | Breast | Mammogram | Breast Record |
54 | Mast-/o | Breast | Mastectomy | Breast Removal |
55 | Melan-/o | Black | Melanocyte | Black Cell |
56 | My-/o | Muscle | Myoclonus | Muscle Confused |
57 | Myel-/o | Bone Marrow | Myeloblast | Bone Marrow Immature Cell |
58 | Nas-/o | Nose | Nasopharyngeal | |
59 | Necr-/o | Death | Necrosis | Death State |
60 | Nephr-/o | Kidney | Nephrology | |
61 | Neur-/o | Nerve | Neuroblastoma | |
62 | Odont-/o | Teeth | Odontophobia | Teeth Fear |
63 | Occipit-/o | Back of Head | Occipital Bone | |
64 | Ocul-/o | Eye | Oculoscope | Eye Instrument |
65 | Ophthalm-/o | Eyes | Opthalmoscope | Eye Instrument |
66 | Or-/o | Mouth | Oropharynx | |
67 | Oss-/e-/o | Bone Marrow | Intraosseus Injection | |
68 | Ot-/o | Ear | Otoscope | Ear Instrument |
69 | Palat-/o | Roof of Mouth | Palatoplasty | Roof of Mouth Repair |
70 | Pancreat-/o | Pancreas | Pancreatitis | Pancreas Inflammation |
71 | Path-/o | Disease | Pathology | Study of Diseases |
72 | Pelv/i-/o | Pelvis | Pelvis | |
73 | Pharmac-/o | Drugs | Pharmacokinetics | Drug Motion |
74 | Phleb-/o | Vein | Phlebotomy | Vein Cutting |
75 | Phren-/o | Diaphragm | Costophrenic Cartilage | |
76 | Pil-/o | Hair | Piloerection | |
77 | Pulmon-/o | Lungs | Pulmonologist | |
78 | Pod-/o | Foot | Podiatry | Foot Healing |
79 | Psych-/o | Mind | Psychology | Study of the Mind |
80 | Rect-/o | Rectum | ||
81 | Rhin-/o | Nose | Rhinoplasty | Nose Repair |
82 | Sacr-/o | Sacrum | Sacroilliac | |
83 | Sept-/o | Infection | Septic Shock | |
84 | Sial-/o | Saliva | Sialadenitis | |
85 | Somat-/o | Body | Somatoform Disorder | |
86 | Splen-/o | Spleen | Splenectomy | Spleen Removal |
87 | Steth-/o | Chest | Sthethoscope | Chest Instrument |
88 | Tal-/o | Ankle | Talofibular | |
89 | Tars-/o | Foot | Metatarsals | |
90 | Thorac-/o | Chest | Thoracentesis | Chest Aspiration |
91 | Thyr-/o | Thyroid | Thyroid | |
92 | Toxic-/o | Poison | Thyrotoxicosis | Thyroid Toxic |
93 | Trachel-/o | Neck | Tracheotomy | Neck Opening |
94 | Trich-/o | Hair | Trichotillomania | Hair Delusion |
95 | Ur-/e-/o | Urine | Urease | Urine Cleave |
96 | Uter-/o | Uterus | In Utero | |
97 | Ventr-/o | Front | Ventral Side | |
98 | Vesic-/o | Bladder | ||
99 | Viscer-/o | Viscera (Aka internal organs) | Viscerosomatic | Viscera Body |
100 | Xer-/o | Dry | Xeromycteria | Dry Nostril |
52 Prefixes
Number | Prefix | Meaning | Comments / Examples |
1 | A- | Not/Lacking | Anoxic |
2 | Algo- | Pain | Algogenic |
3 | An- | Without | Angiogenesis |
4 | Ab- | Away | Abductors -Think "Away" |
5 | Ad- | Towards | Adductors - Think "ADDing" |
6 | Brady- | Slow | Bradycardia |
7 | Brachy- | Short | Brachydactyly |
8 | Cata- | Lower | Cataracts |
9 | Com- | Together | Composite |
10 | Contra- | Opposite | Contralateral |
11 | Dis- | Apart | Distal |
12 | Dys- | Bad | Dysgenesis |
13 | Epi- | Above | Epiphysis |
14 | Encephalo- | Brain | Encephalitis |
15 | Extra- | Beyond | Extra Occular |
16 | Extro- | Outside | Extroverted |
17 | Hemato- | Blood | Hematocrit |
18 | Hemi- | Half | Hemicolon |
19 | Hyper- | Excessive | Hypercalcemia |
20 | Inter | Between | Interstitial |
21 | Intra- | Within | Intracapsular |
22 | Intro- | Into | Introductory |
23 | Macro- | Large | Macrocytic |
24 | Mal- | Bad | Malaise |
25 | Mes- | Middle | Mesolimbic |
26 | Meso- | Middle | Mesocortical |
27 | Meta- | Change | Metastasis |
28 | Micro- | Small | Microcytic |
29 | Neo- | New | Neoplasm |
30 | Neuro- | Nerve | Neurotoxic |
31 | Oligo- | Small / Scarce | Oliguria |
32 | Onco- | Tumor | Oncogenic |
33 | Pan- | All / Throughout | Pancytopenia |
34 | Para- | Beyond / After | Parasite |
35 | Per- | Through | Perception |
36 | Peri- | Around | Peripheral |
37 | Poly- | Many | Polyuria |
38 | Post- | After | Postoperative |
39 | Presby- | Old Age | Presbyopia |
40 | Pseudo- | Fake | Pseudoscience |
41 | Quadri- | Four | Quadriplegic |
42 | Re- | Again | Reoccurance |
43 | Retro- | Behind | Retroperitoneal |
44 | Semi- | Half | See Hemi |
45 | Sub- | Under | Subsection |
46 | Super- | Above | Superior |
47 | Sym- | Together | Sympathetic |
48 | Syn- | With / Joint | Synchondrosis |
49 | Tachy- | Fast | Tachycardia |
50 | Trans- | Through | Transection |
51 | Tri- | Three | Triscuspid |
52 | Endo- | Within | Endocarditis |
Hey! Did you notice that some repeat words on the root words and pre-fix list? Thank the Greeks! Words like -Cardio- can be used in many creative ways.Â
So I can say ‘Myocardium’ and you would know I’m talking about Heart Muscle or if I say ‘Cardiogenic’ it means from the heart. Pretty neat right?
51 Suffixes
Number | Suffix | Meaning | Comments / Examples |
1 | -ac / -al / -ic | Pertaining to | Cardiac "Cardio- + -ac" |
2 | -algia | Pain | Myalgia |
3 | -arche | Beginning | Menarch |
4 | -ase | Enzyme | Protease |
5 | -cele | Protrusion | Hydrocele |
6 | -centesis | Fluid Withdrawal | Pericardiocentesis |
7 | -cidal | Kill / Destroy | Fungicidal |
8 | -clasis | Break | Arthroclasis |
9 | -constriction | Narrowing | Venoconstriction |
10 | -ctye | Cell | Pneumocyte |
11 | -desis | Surgical Fusion | Fasciodesis |
12 | -dilation | Expansion | Venodilation |
13 | -dynia | Pain | Mastodynia |
14 | -ectasis | Stretch | Atelectasis |
15 | -ectomy | Removal | Craniectomy |
16 | -edema | Swelling / Inflammation | Angioedema |
17 | -ema | Condition | Erythema |
18 | -emia | Related to blood | Anemia |
19 | -emesis | Vomit | Hematemesis |
20 | -euysm | Expanding | Aneurysm |
21 | -form | Resembling | Fusiform |
22 | -genesis | Origin | Angiogenesis |
23 | -genic | Produced By | Vasogenic |
24 | -globin | Protein | Hemoglobin |
25 | -gram | Record | Mammogram |
26 | -graph | Recording Instrument | Elecrtrocardiograph (EKG) |
27 | -graphy | Process of Recording | Chromotography |
28 | -ia | Condition | Phobia |
29 | -ism | Process | Allochroism |
30 | -itis | Inflammation | Gastritis |
31 | -lysis | Cut / Separate | Hemolysis |
32 | -malacia | Softening | Osteomalacia |
33 | -mania | Obsession | Hypermania |
34 | -megaly | Enlargement | Hepatomegaly |
35 | -mortem | Death | Postmortem |
36 | -oma | Mass / Tumor | Lipoma |
37 | -one | Hormone | Testosterone |
38 | -opsy | Display Of | Autopsy |
39 | -ostomy | Artificial Surgical Opening | Colonostomy |
40 | -otomy | Incision / Cutting | Tracheotomy |
41 | -paresis | Weakness | Hemiparesis |
42 | -penia | Deficiency | Osteopenia |
43 | -phagia | Devour / Eat | Dysphagia |
44 | -phasia | Speech | Dysphasia |
45 | -pnea | Breathing | Apnea |
46 | -rrhea | Flow | Rhinorrhea |
47 | -scope | Instrument to Examine | Stethoscope |
48 | -scopy | Examination | Fluoroscopy |
49 | -somnia | Sleep | Insomnia |
50 | -stasis | Stop | Hemostasis |
51 | -uria | Urine | Polyuria |
102 Useful Medical Terms
Number | Term | Meaning |
1 | Acute | Sudden onset |
2 | Admit | the act or process of accepting someone into a hospital, clinic, or other treatment facility as an inpatient |
3 | Adverse Effects | An unexpected medical problem that occurs with a treatment drug/therapy |
4 | Albumin | Protein made by the liver that prevents fluid from leaking out of the bloodstream |
5 | AMA | Against Medical Advice |
6 | Angina | Marked chest pain |
7 | Anhedonia | Inability to feel pleasure |
8 | Anoxic | Without oxygen |
9 | Apnea | Temporary cessation of breathing |
10 | Arterial | Relating to the arteries |
11 | Asymptomatic | Presenting without any symptoms despite having a disease |
12 | Autonomic | Part of the nervous system that supplies the internal organs |
13 | Benign | Not cancerous |
14 | Biopsy | Sample of tissue to be examined |
15 | Bradycardia | Heart Rate <60 |
16 | Carcinogen | Substance that can cause cancer |
17 | Caudad | Toward the feet |
18 | Cephalad | Toward the head |
19 | Chronic | Long-lasting |
20 | Coma | A deep state of prolonged unconsciousness in which a person cannot be awakened |
21 | Concussion | A head injury that temporarily affects brain functioning. |
22 | Creatinine | A waste product by muscles |
23 | CT Scan | a useful imaging modality that produces tomographic images of a body, allowing the user to see inside the body without cutting into it |
24 | Cytokine | Substances secreted during an immune response |
25 | Demarcated | Boundary |
26 | Diabetes Mellitus | A disease that leads to impaired insulin regulation |
27 | Distal | Away from center of the body |
28 | DNR | Do Not Rescusitate |
29 | Dorsal | Upper side |
30 | Dyspnea | Difficulty breathing |
31 | Echocardiogram | Ultrasound-based imaging to create an outline of the heart |
32 | Edema | Swelling |
33 | Embolism | Obstruction of an artery |
34 | EMR | Electronic Medical Records |
35 | Endocarditis | Inflammation within the cardiac walls |
36 | Erythema | Reddening of the skin due to dilatation of capillaries |
37 | Etiology | Origins of a disease |
38 | Exacerbation | Worsening of a disease |
39 | Fascia | Flat band of tissue below the skin that covers underlying tissues and separates different layers of tissue |
40 | GERD | Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a long-term condition where acid from the stomach comes up into the esophagus |
41 | Guarding | An involuntary reaction to protect an area of pain |
42 | Hematocrit | Value that indicates how much of a person's blood is made up of red blood cells |
43 | Hemoglobin | Molecule that carries oxygen |
44 | Hyperglycemia | High levels of glucose |
45 | Hyperlipidemia | High levels of lipids |
46 | Hyperreflexia | Overactive reflexes |
47 | Hypertension | High blood pressure |
48 | Hyporeflexia | Underactive reflexes |
49 | Hypotension | Low blood pressure |
50 | Hypoxic | Low levels of oxygen |
51 | Idiopathic | Denoting an unknown cause |
52 | Infectious | Easily transmitted between hosts |
53 | Inpatient | Someone admitted into the hospital |
54 | Lesion | Damage or abnormal change in the tissue of an organism, usually caused by disease or trauma |
55 | Leukemia | Cancer of the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system |
56 | Ligament | Fibrous connective tissue |
57 | Lymphoma | Cancer of the lymphatic system |
58 | Malaise | a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify |
59 | Malignant | Cancerous with ability to spread to other parts of the body |
60 | Medicaid | A USA health insurance program for those with limited income |
61 | Medicare | The USA's health insurance program for people age 65 or older or with a disability |
62 | Metabolic Syndrome | The name for a group of risk factors that raises your risk for heart disease and other health problems |
63 | MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body. |
64 | Multifactorial | Denoting multiple causes |
65 | Myalgia | Muscle pain |
66 | Myocardial Infarction | An event where cardiac tissue is deprived of oxygen and dies |
67 | Neoplasm | Abnormal tissue growth |
68 | Neutrophils | The most common type of white blood cell |
69 | Noncompliant | Referring to a patient who does not take their medications or follow medical recommendations |
70 | Noninvasive | A procedure that doesn't require opening the body |
71 | Order | Written directions provided by a prescribing practitioner for a specific medication to be administered to an individual |
72 | Orthopnea | Difficulty breathing while lying down |
73 | Outpatient | Someone receiving medical treatment outside of the hospital. i.e. a clinic |
74 | Parasympathic | The part of the involuntary nervous system that serves to slow the heart rate, increase intestinal and glandular activity, and relax the sphincter muscles. |
75 | Parenteral | Administered or occurring elsewhere in the body than the mouth and alimentary canal |
76 | Pleurisy | Inflammation of the pleura that seperates the lungs from the chest wall |
77 | Pneumonia | Infection that occurs in the air sacs of the lungs |
78 | Polypharmacy | Usage of multiple medications concurrently |
79 | Proximal | Close to center of the body |
80 | Pulmonary Embolism | A blood clot that blocks one or more pulmonary arteries |
81 | Referred pain | Pain occuring at a site other that the affected area |
82 | Remission | Temporary or permanent disapperance of the signs and symptoms of cancer or other disease |
83 | Rhinorrhea | Runny Nose |
84 | Seizure | An electrical disturbance that results in abnormal activity of the brain |
85 | Sepsis | Massive inflammation as a result of infection leading to a life-threatening condition |
86 | Shock | Sudden drop in blood pressure resulting in the person not being able to get enough blood or oxygen to their organs |
87 | Side Effects | A documented effect that can occur with a treatment drug/therapy |
88 | Sinusitis | Inflammation of the sinuses |
89 | Stroke | Manifestation of a part of the brain lacking oxygen and blood flow leading to cell death |
90 | Subacute | Rather recent onset or somewhat rapid change. |
91 | Subcutaneous | Below the skin |
92 | Sympathetic | A part of the nervous system that serves to accelerate the heart rate, constrict blood vessels, and raise blood pressure |
93 | Syncope | Temporary loss of consciousness |
94 | Tachycardia | Heart Rate >100 |
95 | Tender | Pain to touch |
96 | Troponin | Protein that can indicate cardiac damage |
97 | Ulcer | Open sore or erosion |
98 | Valgus | excessive outward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or joint |
99 | Varus | excessive inward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or joint |
100 | Venous | Relating to the veins |
101 | Ventral | Underside |
102 | Virulent | Indicating a rapid, severe, and destructive course for a viral infection |
What Next?
Look for opportunities to learn more words by hearing them as they are used, reading them online in context and studying them using sources like medical terminology books.Â
You’ll find that the best way to learn though is to use them yourself in real life.Â
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